Pitch in and help us grow the farm by becoming a member, volunteer and/or contributor. We welcome your energy, enthusiasm, expertise and financial support.
Donate — Your financial contribution to Friends of Fox Chase Farm will go a long way to supporting our programs and events. To donate, please mail a check to:
PO Box 24756
Philadelphia, PA 19111
Become a Member — Friends of Fox Chase Farm, with over 200 member families, welcomes additional members. Memberships are offered at $10 per household. As a member you will receive periodic notifications of farm events. Learn more about membership.
Volunteer — Lend us a hand! As a volunteer, you can actively support the farm by assisting with gardening, fund-raising activities such as the Spring Plant Sale and Holiday Greens Sale, and by volunteering at Festivals and other public events. To inquire about volunteering, contact the Friends or call the Pennypack Environmental Center at 215-685-0470.
Shop — Support the farm by purchasing plants the Spring Plant Sale and holiday decorations at the Holiday Greens Sale. Purchase Fox Chase Farm T-shirts, fine art prints, and farm related crafts available at Festivals and other public events.
Keep Informed — Follow us on Facebook to find out about our doings on the farm, share ideas, and network with other interested Friends!

Your support to Friends of Fox Chase Farm is invaluable to enable children to connect with nature at the Farm, through 4H, school programs and special events. Please JOIN as a member and/or make a donation to the Friends.