When Can I Visit The Farm?
Fox Chase Farm is only open to the public at specific times throughout the year for Seasonal Festivals (Maple Sugar Day, Sheep Shearing Day, Applefest) and selected evenings in the summer. Call the Pennypack Environmental Center at 215-685-0470 for additional information.
Why Isn’t The Farm Open On A Regular Basis?
The School District of Philadelphia rents the farm for $1 per year. Like school campuses that are owned by the school district, it is only open to the public for specific events.
Can Teachers Schedule Class Trips?
Yes. To schedule a class trip, call Mandy Fellouzis, the School District Site Administrator at 215-400-3310. Also see https://www.philasd.org/foxchasefarm/
Can I Have My Child’s Birthday Party At The Farm?
No. Fox Chase Farm is a working farm and a school campus. We cannot have parties.
I Have An Animal I Can No Longer Care For. Can I Donate It To The Farm?
Please call Mandy Manna, the School District Site Administrator at 215-400-3310 for information about donating animals. For questions about 4H – email info@foxchasefarm.org.
Can I Bring My Dog To The Farm On Festival Days?
No. No animals (except service animals) are permitted.
Can I Have My Wedding Pictures Taken At The Farm?
No. The farm is only open to the public on specific dates.
Can I Ride My Bicycle To The Festivals?
Festivals are often crowded with families with small children; therefore we do not recommend that you ride your bicycle into the festivals. There is no bike rack to store your bicycle.
Can I Buy Hay Or Straw At The Farm?
No. Hay and straw grown at the farm are used for the farm animals.
I Would Like To Work At The Farm. Who Do I Contact?
Call the School District of Philadelphia Site Administrator at 215-400-3310. Also see https://www.philasd.org/foxchasefarm/
My Child Is Interested In Joining The 4-H Club. Who Do I Contact?
Call the FFCF phone at 215-728-7900 or email info@foxchasefarm.org. Please note: All calls to the FFCF phone are answered. Speak clearly and be sure to leave your phone number. Numbers with callblock cannot be returned.